section expert physicians

This section if for expert physicians

Ladean Marshall

Ladean Marshall Certified Nurse Practitioner Ladean has a true appreciation for all of the different stages in the reproductive lifecycle that women go through including preconception planning, pregnancy and menopause. She sees healthcare as a team effort by herself, her patients and their families. Success requires careful listening, identifying a well-defined issue and clear goals, […]

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Phoebe Sun, M.D., FACOG

Phoebe Sun M.D., FACOG Dr. Phoebe Mou Sun joined Women’s Health Associates in 2002. She is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and is on the staff of Northside Hospital. She specializes in high risk obstetrics, recurrent pregnancy loss, and less invasive surgical techniques such as hysteroscopy, endometrial ablation and laparoscopic treatment of ovarian pathology. Dr

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Karen Creed, M.D., FACOG

Karen Creed M.D., FACOG Dr. Karen Creed joined Women’s Health Associates on August 15, 2011. Dr. Creed specializes in high risk obstetrics and less invasive surgical techniques such as hysteroscopy, endometrial ablation and laparoscopic treatment of ovarian pathology. Read Dr. Karen Creed Story Dr. Creed received her undergraduate degree at North Carolina Central University, with a

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Kelley Dopson, M.D.

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